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 07949 811599

   Telephone Support Line


Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9 - 5

BreatheEasy Eastbourne relies entirely on donations from its members and the generosity of the public. We do not receive any statutory funding.

Donations make a huge difference to the services we can provide and any amount makes a difference. If you would like to donate then please click the button below

Breatheasy Eastbourne is a registered charity that supports people with long term lung conditions in Eastbourne and surrounding Wealden areas.

We host monthly meetings at The Breathe Centre, 142, Whitley Road in Eastbourne (please see 'Our Location' page for directions) where we meet and chat over a hot drink. We invite a monthly speaker to give us talks on a whole range of interesting subjects.

We have a monthly Raffle to raise funds for the Group. We also arrange outings for our service users. We have various activity groups including  a lively Social Club, a monthly fun General Knowledge Quiz, an Accessible Disability Allotment, and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Exercise Maintenance Programmes and a monthly Lunch Club.

We organise Fund Raising events at local summer shows and in local shopping centres and supermarkets.

We meet on the third Tuesday of every month at our premises in Eastbourne so please feel free to come along for a cuppa and a chat.

There is no fee for joining us, just come along and you will be made very welcome.

Lung diseases are some of the most common conditions in the UK. Smoking, infections, genes and the after effects of Covid-19 cause most lung diseases. 

If you are a sufferer or a carer or know of someone in your family or circle of friends, please get in touch or tell them about us and we will endeavour to help.  Please call us on our Support Line or contact us through our website.

BreatheEasy Eastbourne is affiliated with Asthma + Lung  UK


How to get in contact with us

You can go to the 'Contact Us' page on the menu above and leave your details. 

You can email us at:

You can phone us on 07949 811599


Support BreatheEasy Eastbourne when you shop at

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BreatheEasy Eastbourne is always looking for willing Volunteers to help run its services. Any spare time you can spare would be very much  appreciated. If you are interested in giving up some of your free time please get in touch. You can email, phone us or use the 'Contact Us' page on our website to get in touch. We are a very friendly bunch and would really like to have you onboard.

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The Tiger Inn at East Dean has been serving fine ales, wines and food to surrounding residents, farmers, soldiers, walkers, smugglers, lovers and brewers since the 15th century. A great place to visit for the whole family. Please support them, they kindly support Breatheasy Eastbourne by donations.

BreatheEasy Eastbourne is a Registered Charity in England & Wales No. 1186901

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